Sunday, September 18, 2011

baking, parades, and resting

My weekend was full, but quite delightful.

I got to babysit my adorable nieces!

We baked cookies

and colored

We also went to my in law's house for dinner and dessert. Family is so fun! 

I did a little photography, and then was in another baking mood!
I put on my apron, and made some Cranberry muffins...

Yummy and healthy too! 

The big event on Saturday was that our church was in a parade! 
Our theme was iHope. We made a float of an ipod that was logged on to Faithbook :) creative huh? It goes along with our new series coming up, which is iHope in God. 

After the parade our church worship team lead worship for the community!
Some leaders from around the city also came up and prayed for different cool! 

We won 3rd place for our float! 

I ended the day with a little BINGO :) 

I was not feeling the greatest.
I stayed home from church, and slept alot. 

After some medicine and rest, I decided to make some homemade chicken noodle soup. It just seemed appropriate for a sicky on a rainy day 

My prince and I watched the Vikings loose AGAIN, and we both got some much overdo reading done.

Life is so busy.
I am realizing lately the importance of having a day to just rest.

I hope you all had wonderful, restful weekends! I would love to hear about them! 



  1. really.... 3rd place?! Do you see what happens when I'm GONE?! I guess I have to come back now...


  2. Love it Laur! So cool! I am glad you rested, thanks for taking my girlies. Love you and hope you have a great day sister. =)

  3. So fun and happy you got to rest! :) I had a sicky day yesterday too... yuck! Thanks again for helping me on Saturday -- soooo appreciate you!
